720. The employees of the Inspector General of Financial Institutions assigned to the Direction du développement des normes and to the Direction générale de la surveillance et du contrôle, with the exception of the employees of the Direction de l’encadrement des pratiques commerciales et du courtage immobilier assigned more specifically to matters of real estate brokerage, in office on 31 January 2004 become, subject to the conditions of employment applicable to them, employees of the Autorité des marchés financiers insofar as a decision by the Conseil du trésor providing for their transfer is made before 1 February 2006.
The other employees of the Inspector General of Financial Institutions in office on 31 January 2004 become, without other formalities, employees of the enterprise registrar except if they consent to become employees of the Autorité des marchés financiers and insofar as a decision of the Conseil du trésor providing for their transfer is made before 1 February 2006.
2002, c. 45, s. 720; 2004, c. 37, s. 90.